Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani Charitable Trust

Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani Charitable Trust was established with the same of Shaikhul Islam Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani through vicegerent Shaikhul Islam and the leader of the nation Hazrat Maulana Arshad Madani. Basic purpose of the trust is to establish and maintain Educational Schools and institutions for imparting education and training to children, young boys, as well as adults and also to set up and maintain technical and vocational schools and institutions to impart educative and vocational pursuits for the development of their character and to afford educational opportunity and training to the poor persons, orphans, widows and deserving people, enabling them to support themselves by earning their livelihood with the help of such training.
Trust started is educational initiative first in the state of Haryana and Punjab established so many institutions and then established two big institutions in District Saharanpur for the young children with religious and modern education along with the accommodation. One of the said institutions was established in Ambetha peer district Saharanpur U.P.
Padma Bhushan Award by the Government of India in 1954[2] India Post issued a commemorative postage stamp in his honour in 2012[15] Madani Square, structure named after his efforts and hard work in Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Maulana Madani ITI

To afford educational opportunity and training to the students from this and another institute and colleges after completing 8th, 10th and 12th without distinction of caste of creed, enabling them to support themselves by earning their livelihood with the help of such training one beautiful campus was built including 3 classrooms, 3 workshops, IT Lab and office with the name of Maulana Madani.
Maulana Madani ITI got 3 departments, (electrician, Fitter and Builder) affiliation from DGET after the inspection of quality council of India. Every trade has 42 students capacity. Total expenses of the building is 1,50,00000.
Maulana Madani Industrial Training Institute is an unique institute in this area. Here fitter, electrician and welder trading courses are provided under the qualified staff. Due to lack of time after affiliation 51 students got admissions who are getting training under it.

            Trade’s Name

          Training period

  Educational qualification


                2 years

            High School


                2 years

            High School


                1 year

            Eighth Std.

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